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Sam Gaunt

How to Look After Aglaonema snowflake (Chinese Evergreen) - A Care Guide

Updated: May 12, 2022

Here's some tips on how to care for Aglaonema snowflake , so that you can get the best out of your Chinese Evergreen houseplant.

Aglaonema Snowflake (Chinese Evergreen) being held up at the Garden Geeks store. | Garden Geeks UK
Aglaonema Snowflake (Chinese Evergreen) at the Garden Geeks store.

Chinese Evergreen

Commonly known as Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema are a genus of flowering subtropical plants native to areas of Asia and New Guinea. Aglaonema Snowflake (or Snow White) is so called due to the satisfying spattering of whitey-green on its leaves, popping off the darker green foliage.

Relatively forgiving and fuss free, this plant will add contrasting colours in abundance to the home or office of a houseplant novice or green fingered veteran alike.


For best results and to bring out the colouring in your houseplant, your Aglaonema Snowflake will prefer bright, indirect sunlight.

Chinese Evergreen can adapt to and survive just fine in lower light conditions, but your plant's rate of growth will slow down a lot. If you notice your Snowflake's pretty patterning becoming less vibrant, it's probably because it's not getting enough light. If your home or office is void of natural light, you'll want to consider a grow light.

Avoid exposing your Aglaonema to the harsh, direct afternoon sunlight, as this may scorch your houseplant's leaves


Chinese Evergreen are hardy plants, meaning your Aglaonema will generally do fine in most types of indoor potting mix.

For best results, you'll want your soil to be well draining and not too dense. Adding some perlite and/or bark to a general potting mix will help improve drainage for your Aglaonema Snowflake and stop the soil from becoming too compacted after watering.


Aglaonema like their soil to dry out a little in-between watering. As a general guide, water your Chinese Evergreen when the soil has dried out about 50% (every 1-2 weeks, depending on household conditions). Water your houseplant well and let excess water run out of the drainage holes in the bottom of your pot.

If in doubt, err on the side of caution with your watering regime. It's more likely you'll kill your Aglaonema Snowflake by letting it sit in soggy soil too long, than if you let it sit for a day or two.


Aglaonema can do just fine in normal household humidity, but will enjoy extra humidity where available as in their natural environment it is warm and humid.

Giving your Chinese Evergreen a mist every so often will help give it an added boost. Placing your Aglaonema Snowflake on a pebble tray or near other humidity loving plants will help create a more humid environment for your houseplant too.


Aglaonema grow just fine in average household temperatures between 18–23°C but will feel at home in few degrees warmer too. In winter, try to avoid letting the temperatures drop below 15°C.

Avoid placing your Chinese Evergreen near a draft and near dry heat sources if possible, which will suck humidity away from the plant.


Aglaonema / Aglaonema Snowflake / Snow White / Chinese Evergreen are classed as mildly toxic to both pets and humans.

If ingested, you or your furry friends may experience mouth and stomach irritation and maybe vomiting too. It's not deadly, but don't eat it, just admire it!


Aglaonema Snowflake can grow up to and around 3 feet tall in ideal conditions and growth rate will depend on lighting conditions too.

Chinese Evergreen are seasonal bloomers and may flower indoors in ideal conditions, giving off spathe type flowers that can last for a month or two. However, the main show is this plant's lovely snowy patterned leaves.

Your Aglaonema don't mind being a little bit root-bound, so on average you'll want to repot your houseplant every 2-3 years.

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